This will be the first child for Donald Jr. and Vanessa, 28, and also the first grandchild for Donald Trump. Vanessa told People, "Everyone's very excited." Although "if you mention the 'grandpa' word (to Donald Sr.), he might not be so excited."
The family is getting complicated, the new baby's uncle, Barron, is only eight months old. Vanessa stated, "They'll be more like brothers, or brother and sister." Trump Jr. and Vanessa want the baby's sex to be a surprise.
Donald Jr. thinks his wife is a natural with children, "Vanessa will, no question, be an amazing mother. She is one of those few people who are able to take crying children out of their mother's arms and actually get them to calm down. I think I'll have a lot of learning to do, but I learn fast." He also adds that his wife wants a large family, "She (wants) five," Don Jr. says. "I'll wait till she cranks out one and then I want to renegotiate that back a bit."