Gwyneth's interview in the September issue of Harper's Bazaar tells about how she is dealing with losing those post-baby pounds. Paltrow says she is less stressed after giving birth to Moses than she was with Apple (now 2 years old). Gwyneth says, "The first time, you are horrified. It's all lovely when you are pregnant; but when you are not pregnant and you haven't been for a couple of months and you are still carrying tons of extra weight and everything's all hanging and sagging, you think, How is this ever going to go back? But it does. If you do a lot of working out."
Paltrow, 33, gained 40 lbs. with each pregnancy and says she lost about 20 lbs. by the time she came out of the hospital. Gwyneth added, "With Apple I kept the extra 20 pounds on until she was three months old, and then it came off. And that's exactly what's happening now." She says she has been exercising, "but not dieting, because I am a milk machine." Commenting on people thinking her figure is back again, Paltrow adds, "They should see the cellulite on my thighs right now."
Gwyneth tells how she combats the stress of motherhood: " Once the kids are in bed, I come downstairs, pour myself a glass of red wine and sit in the garden."
Source: People
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