People has photos of Barron William Trump, Melania and Donald Trump's new baby boy!
Barron William Trump was born on March 20, 2006 to Melania and Donald Trump. People has great photos of the Trump baby. The over-the-top couple has a whole floor above their bedroom in their Fifth Ave. home specifically for the new baby. The floor has a nursery, a kitchen, a living room and Nanny's quarters. Among the many gifts baby Trump received was a golden stroller!
Melania said of her new baby: "Sometimes I just think, 'Oh my God, this is my baby. I have a baby.' There's nothing like it. I love to feed the baby. Not because I have to, but just because I love it." She also said: "He's a very good baby. He's not like a crybaby – he's calm, and it's fantastic."
Source: People