John's wife, Suzanna Melendez, 39, delivered the 8 lb., 2 oz. baby boy by Caesarean section. The couple named their new son Oscar David Melendez. He is said to be the first born in San Fernando Valley in 2006.
This is the third child for John Melendez, 40, and Suzanna who have a 9 year old daughter and a 5 year old daughter. Melendez stated "Three kids already, I might have to ask Jay Leno for a raise. That's a lot of mouths to feed."
Before joining the Tonight Show, Melendez was best known as "Stuttering" John on Howard Stern.
Suzanna Melendez joked about her son's name saying "He'll either be a boxer or a fashion designer."
Congratulations John and Suzanna!
Source: People