The American College of Radiology is not to happy to hear that Tom Cruise performs his own ultrasounds on Katie Holmes.
The chair of the ACR, Dr. Carol Rumack, said "This is a patient safety issue. Untrained people, even if they have the financial means, should not buy, or be allowed to buy and operate, ultrasound machines which are, in fact, medical devices and should not be used without a medical indication." He went on to say "The ACR is concerned that Tom Cruise has been badly advised regarding the use and potential abuse of ultrasound. There are many abnormalities that may be missed by the untrained eye. Also, if it is not medically necessary, the use of ultrasound raises unnecessary physical risk to the fetus."
The Food and Drug Administration is not to happy about this either. The FDA stated "Persons who promote, sell or lease ultrasound equipment for making 'keepsake' fetal videos should know that FDA views this as an unapproved use of a medical device. In addition, those who subject individuals to ultrasound exposure using a diagnostic ultrasound device (a prescription device) without a physician's order may be in violation of state or local laws or regulations regarding use of a prescription medical device."
Why can't they just be normal and go to the doctor for ultrasounds? Oh, I forgot, they're nuts!
Source: E!Online